Need help choosing between leasing and financing?
The first step to choose between leasing or financing your next Volkswagen vehicle is to determine your needs. If you plan on keeping your vehicle for a short period, for example, less than 4 years, then leasing is probably the better option.
Moreover, leasing tends to be more affordable which means that you can get more equipment in your vehicle for the same monthly payment. On the other hand, there are mileage restrictions that come with leasing and if you have to drive more than 25,000 km every year, then you are better off financing.
Every month, there are different promotions and discounts on leasing and financing. This can also play a role in determining which one is right for you. This is what our team of financing experts at Volkswagen de Boucherville will be able to help you with. If you are not sure between leasing and financing, give us a call today and let us help you.